Forgot password for your Sofort GmbH merchant account?
If you forgot the password for your merchant account at Sofort GmbH, you can request a link here to set a new password. You will then receive this by email within the next 15 minutes. Please also check your spam folder. If you don't receive an email during the next 15 minutes, please contact our service team at
If you are using a login alias, you have to use this to request a new password.
Forgot customer number/alias for your Sofort GmbH merchant account?
If you forgot your customer number or alias for your Sofort GmbH merchant account, please contact our service team by email at
Please send this request - if possible - from your email address stored with Sofort and include your shop data, your website
or your stored IBAN to ensure that your request will be assigned to the correct customer number.
Our service hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm